
Work Supports Committee.

Meeting every first Wednesday at noon.

The Work Supports Committee envisions ensuring access and connections to public benefits along with necessary supports and resources that lead people to a job with livable wages, comprehensive company benefits, and a career pathway.

 We will achieve this by providing:

- Access and connections to training
- Education Pathways
- GED Resources
- Sharing knowledge about work supports benefits
- Educating companies regarding supplemental benefits
- Advocacy
- Educating around the benefits needed to void benefit cliffs

Our current project includes a Benefits Crosswalk which will help ensure our community and SNA partners have the resources they need to connect clients to benefits which will help give them a lift up and a way out of poverty.


Benefits Binder - 2023
The Benefits Binder contains basic information on the most common government benefits available to Northern Kentucky residents. The purpose of this project is to provide a quick reference guide for direct service workers so they can be better equipped when assisting their clients. Each section contains a description of the benefit for direct service workers and hyperlink and/or QR code to the original source of the information. There is also a “Customer Pathway” that can be provided to clients. Please note: the Benefits Binder is meant for informational purposes only and has not been reviewed or endorsed by CHFS.

Another helpful tool within the binder is an “Essential Documents Check List” that can be completed using the Benefits Crosswalk and provided to the client. These tools were designed to work together to help streamline the process of applying for government benefits, but the Benefits Crosswalk tool is meant to be used by service providers when assisting clients and is not to be given to the client. The Benefits Crosswalk is a resource put together in collaboration with many SNA partners. If you see any information that needs to be updated please let us know by using this form.

The Career Explorer from KY Center for Statistics  allows individuals to explore career options based on their desired salary, desired occupation, and their existing skills, certifications, and degrees.

The Family Resource Simulator illustrates the impact of "work supports"—such as earned income tax credits and child care assistance—on the budget of a hypothetical family. It helps families identify where 'cliff effects' occur as their income increases.

The Basic Needs Budget Calculator shows how much it takes for families to afford minimum daily necessities without work supports or other social benefit programs. It also allows you to create customized results by changing assumptions about basic family expenses. The Basic Needs Budget Calculator is derived from the Family Resource Simulator.